Manali Weather Report

Kullu Manali Weather Today
Weather of Manali for Next 3 Days
I got a call in the morning asking about the weather forecast in Manali India for next 15 days. I was, in surprise that How can we predict a temperature for 2 weeks ahead.
But this question gave me a thought process that I should provide some solution so that if not 10 or 15 days ahead, they should get some idea about the temperature to plan their holidays.
This information can give some Idea about the weather in Kullu Manali for next 3 days, so that who so ever is looking for Manali India tour can plan accordingly.
The main thing one wants to know before leaving for any tourist destination is, the Climate of the particular destination during their travel period.
Or we can say that people plan their tours as per the required weather. Isn’t’ it.
For example, if you want to go Goa or Kerala or Rajasthan you will choose Oct to Mar so that you can enjoy the most of the destination. Same way if you want to travel to Manali, Shimla or let’s say any Destination in Himachal Pradesh or Uttaranchal November to Apr is the best time for snow lovers and then Aug mid to Oct to enjoy the Greenery.
Due to Global warming, Climate is unpredictable from last few years. Some Hotels in Manali started using Ac in rooms for May and June season. Though it hardly requires over there, you never know.
Manali weather in November
November means snow. November is the starting time for the season’s first snowfall. It can be in any week. Not only at Rohtang Pass but you might get to see snow even in main Manali Mall Road and city area (Might b for a day or two).
First Snowfall Video of November month in 2017
Manali Weather in December
December is again the snow time. In 2016 first snowfall of the year was in December only. In fact few years back (In around 2011) First Snowfall was on New year Eve (Get the Best Deal on Manali New Year Packages) . So Climate is so unpredictable that you cannot confirm the exact week or month of Snowfall. Though chances start from Nov first week.
The difference between Seeing snow and enjoying Snowfall live, one can better tell their self who have seen both. You are lucky if you come to Kullu Manali at snow time and enjoys Snowfall. Your whole trip gets successful.
People Enjoying Snowfall at Mall Road in December
Manali Weather in January and Februrary
This is what happens in JanFebruary Febuarary. Kullu Manali becomes a white city. Snow and snow all over. You have to wear Goggles to see outside your hotel / home. Sometimes electricity gets fail and water gets freeze. You cannot survive without Hot Chimneys and heaters. Good Fun In fact for tourists but not for local peoples